Teaching material "Study and Correction of the Main Diseases and Syndromes most common of animals of economic interest"
Teaching process - learning, animal diseases, teaching materialAbstract
In the current educational transformations, Technical and Vocational Education (ETP) has as a challenge the training of an average technician with a solid theoretical-practical preparation that allows assimilating the vertiginous advances of science and technology. In this sense, the Professional Pedagogical Process from the teaching - learning process promotes the mastery of the basic professional skills that constitute a basic requirement for the successful performance of the graduates. The use of theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods confirms the scientific strength of the proposal, consisting of a teaching material on the Study and Correction of the Main Diseases and Syndromes most common of the animals of economic interest, with updated, organized contents by groups of diseases that affect domestic animals, illustrations of said diseases and exercises by levels of assimilation, that serves as a tool to diagnose and treat the animal mass.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pavón-Leyva, M. C. J., & Leyva-Favier, M. (2017). Teaching material "Study and Correction of the Main Diseases and Syndromes most common of animals of economic interest". Man, Science and Technology, 21(2), 66–75. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/788
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