Alternative foods for the development of Black Cachama fries (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818).
Alternative food, diet, CachamaAbstract
Five sources of alternative foods were selected: fish, crustaceans, maize with tuza, chara and chestnut, and they were subjected to bromatological analysis, determining the concentration of proteins, carbohydrates and total lipids. The economic benefit estimate was based on the costs of acquiring the different food sources and it was compared by estimating the application of a diet. It was determined the bromatological composition of the different flours, which allowed to determine the high nutritional quality, where fish meal and crustaceans had a higher percentage of crude protein (48.64 and 32.38 respectively) and total lipids (8.17 and 7.55%); while the highest carbohydrate values were for chestnut and maize (65.74 and 42.85% respectively). The analysis of the economic benefit estimate for the use of the formulated diet suggests the economic viability of the proposed alternative food.Downloads
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How to Cite
Santaimé-Salgado, I. R. J., Moreno-Marcano, D. C. C. A., Suárez-Venero, D. C. G. M., & Guevara, M. (2017). Alternative foods for the development of Black Cachama fries (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818). Man, Science and Technology, 21(2), 17–26. Retrieved from
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