Use of Manihot esculenta crant and fish's by-product in production of japonic Coturnix cotuurnix.


  • Javier Alejandro-Flores Empresa inversión VABEL Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
  • MV. Yanixi Acosta-Acosta Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Ángel Luis La O- Michel Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.


quails, animal feeding, eggs of quails, poultry production


With the objective of evaluating the effect of the product flour of cassava  with by-products of fishing on the production of egg of quails, 120 birds distributed in a totally random design were utilized with four treatments and three repetitions during 60 days, for each treatment 30 animals were employed been located to reason of 10 for cages. The treatments were: T1 conventional diet, T2 10%, T3 20% and T4 30% of inclusion of HYP. The controlled variables were: initial and end weight of the quails, half daily gain, and production of egg.week.treatment-1, production of eggs.aves-1, index of setting; as well  the parameters of quality of the egg. Getting good security of the productive indicators during the phase of setting with the inclusion of 20% HYP in the diet. The HYP product constitutes an alternating fountain with excellent nutritive value and it could be utilized in fodder for quail.


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How to Cite

Alejandro-Flores, J., Acosta-Acosta, M. Y., & La O- Michel, D. C. Ángel L. (2016). Use of Manihot esculenta crant and fish’s by-product in production of japonic Coturnix cotuurnix. Man, Science and Technology, 20(1), 77–84. Retrieved from




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