Effect of natural yogurt as probiotic in fodder for laying hem chickens ISAC Brown.


  • Lic.Solimar Gómez-Sarabia Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Doctor Delfín Mendoza. Tucupita, Estado Delta Amacuro. Venezuela.
  • Dr. C. Abel Ortiz-Milán Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba.


laying hem chickens, probiotics, natural yogurt, animal production


There were used 240 laying hem chickens of ISAC Brown breed under production conditions, according to a design totally randomized with four treatments and six repetitions to check the effect of natural yogurt in increasing doses of 0; 5; 10 and 15 ml/bird/day mix with the fodder. The live weight at 43 weeks showed the highest results in the treatments that included 10 and 15 ml of natural yogurt in the fodder and this one did not present significant differences among them, while the profit weight (244; 274; 317 and 340 g/bird), the egg weight (58,96; 60,86; 62,33 and 65,26 g/egg) and the conversion (2.37; 2,24; 2,13 y 2,01 kg of food/kg of egg) improved considerably (P<0.05) in birds at the time that the natural yogurt fodder increased. It is concluded that with the inclusion of natural yogurt probiotic in laying hem chickens fodder is possible to increase the production parameters of the birds and at the time the eggs’ characteristics are not affected.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Sarabia, L., & Ortiz-Milán, D. C. A. (2015). Effect of natural yogurt as probiotic in fodder for laying hem chickens ISAC Brown. Man, Science and Technology, 19(3), 108–114. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/664




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