Use of coconut and cassava flour as partial replacements of conventional diet in fattening rabbits.


  • Ing. Jesús Rafael Longart-Rodríguez Instituto Universitario Tecnológico “Dr. Delfin Mendoza”. Tucupita. Delta Amacuro. Venezuela.
  • Dra. Anayansis Albert-Rodríguez Universidad Sancti Spíritus ¨José Martí¨, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.
  • Dra. Coralia Samira Leyva-Téllez Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.


alternative diet, fattening rabbits, diet systems


There were use 36 rabbits of California breed with 30 days old and 725 g of live weight. The objective was to evaluate three diets: treatment 1: 100 % of conventional diet (control); treatment 2: 70% of conventional diet plus 15% of cassava flour and 15% of coconut flour and treatment 3: 50% of conventional diet plus 25% of cassava flour and 25% of coconut flour. It was made a variance analysis according to the design completely randomized with 3 treatments and 4 repetitions. After 90 days of fattening, the sacrifice live weight was 2650; 2610 and 2180 g per rabbit respectively; the media daily profit was 21.33; 20.93 and 16.22 g per day and viability was 100% in all treatments. It was concluded that the alternative diet systems that include cassava flour and coconut flour does not compromise the acceptability of meat, at the time that it permits to obtain satisfactory productive results according to the technological instructive for tropical environments with alternative systems of diet.


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How to Cite

Longart-Rodríguez, I. J. R., Albert-Rodríguez, D. A., & Leyva-Téllez, D. C. S. (2015). Use of coconut and cassava flour as partial replacements of conventional diet in fattening rabbits. Man, Science and Technology, 19(3), 47–51. Retrieved from


