Contents and Hydric Relative Velocity in varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.).
potatos, Solanum tuberosum L., tolerant varietiesAbstract
During these last seasons, the drought has caused losses of 50 % of the production of potato in several countries of Centro America. The Hydric Relative Contents (CHR) as the Hydric Relative Velocity (VHR) is important index to determine tolerant varieties to drought. The experiments were developed in the Institute of Investigation in Tropical Roods (INIVIT). To the 15 days of stress for deficit hydric (50 to 65 days after the plantation date), the minor decrease in the CHR showed were variety Atlas with 27.12 %, on the contrary, the bigger value was reported in the variety Armada with 43.38 %. The varieties that showed minor values in the rate of Hydric Relative Velocity (VHR) were Atlas and Maranca, with 1.80 and 2.00 % per day respectively.
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