Geographic distribution and classification according to cotyledon color of ancient Cuban cacao.
theobroma cacao l., geographical distribution, morphological descriptorsAbstract
Cacao plantations of more than 60 years old still exist in Cuba, and they are probably the closest to the original plants introduced into the island. To know the geographical distribution, an inquiry was made among the executive in agricultural delegation and cacao producer. The farms located with this cacao were visited to georeference with GPS the plants and determine the cotyledon color. A total of 537 ancient Cuban cacao plants were located in 76 farms, in the mountain range Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa, Sierra Maestra and Guamuhaya, coinciding with the distribution of commercial cacao plantations. Of these plants, 68 presented with cotyledon, of great importance for high quality chocolate production. This work is the first prospection of this genetic material made in all the country to know its geographical distribution and allow their conservation and utilization.
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