Chemical composition and physic-chemical characterization of fiber fraction of arborous species.
fibrous sources, chemical composition, arborous speciesAbstract
The study of the chemical composition of arborous species (Trichantera gigantea) and sunflower (in Spanish girasolillo) (Tithonia diversifolia) constituted the objective of the present research carried out in a family production farm, located in Guara island, belonging to Uracoa municipality, Moragas state, Venezuela. The nutritional and mineral characteristics, as well as the chemical composition of dietetics fiber and physical properties of the species T. gigantea and T. diversifolia were determined, concluding that both species have excellent pure protein contents, ethereal extract, acceptable mineral content, where T. diversifolia showed a high ash content given by its elevated calcium concentration. The FDN and FDA showed similar values for T. diversifolia and T. gigantea, not being the same in the hemicelluloses, lignine and cellulose.
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