Proposed actions for the management of woody species involved in the rainforest forest.


  • Ing. Omar Labrada-Hernández Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Téc. Edalberto Pérez-Caballero Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Lic. Annia Rivera-Hernández Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • M Sc. Yosbanis Osorio-Bornot Centro Universitario Guantánamo, Cuba.


conservation of species, woody species, recovery of species, management of woody species.


With the aim of proposing actions for the conservation and restoration of woody species most affected research was conducted in a rainforest forest of low altitude, in the Management Area Majagual, Sector Cupeyal North PNAH in the understood period September 2013 / April 2014. the species most affected product handling Pera were polylepis, cowellii Jacaranda, Jacaranda arborea, Talauma minor, Clusia minor, Protium fragrans, Coccoloba retusa. The proposed actions for the conservation and restoration of the species most affected product to inadequate management was based on 12 Steps to consider for the success of each of the actions.




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How to Cite

Labrada-Hernández, I. O., Pérez-Caballero, T. E., Rivera-Hernández, L. A., & Osorio-Bornot, M. S. Y. (2015). Proposed actions for the management of woody species involved in the rainforest forest. Man, Science and Technology, 19(1), 43–50. Retrieved from




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