Evaluation of various types of fermentation and removal frequency quality grain Theobroma cacao L.
cocoa, fermentation, Theobroma cacao L.Abstract
The investigation was developed in the Trinidad community, Pedro Gual municipality, Miranda state, o evaluate the effects of three fermentation types and the removal frequency about the quality of the grains of cocoa. The ears were harvested, threshed and fermented in wooden drawers, plastic baskets and plastic barrel with two removal frequencies: 24 - 72 and 24 - 96 hours. The contents of humidity, ashy, pH, acidity total, makes a will, dimensions average and the court test were carried on fermentation grain and dry off according to COVENIN norm Nº 442. The results revealed that the physical characteristics didn't vary significantly. The biggest degree of fermentation was obtained in the wooden drawer for the removal frequency every 24 hours with 82% of fermented grains and dry while the plastic baskets showed 81%. It concludes that the use of the plastic baskets, for their low cost and durability, can be considered to achieve a good degree of fermentation.
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