Evaluation of two levels of inclusion of coconut meal in the behavior productive birds semirrústicas.
levels of inclusion, birds semirrústicas, meal of coconutAbstract
The work was carried out in the Strengthened Cooperative Credit and Services “Luis A. Carbóâ€, located in the municipality El Salvador, county Guantánamo, in the period of april/2009-febrary/2010, with the objective of evaluating two levels of inclusion of coconut meal in the productive behavior of birds semirrústicas. Two diets were made with the use of the coconut meal (25, 35%) in the categories to evaluate which constituted the treatments, taking as control the I think Industrial. The food was given following the guide of handling of the bird semirrústica. The Weight beginning was evaluated (g), I Weigh I live (g) to the 60 days, 110 days, 182 days, 259 days, Gain in weight (g), Daily Half Gain (DHG), I begin of the setting, weight of the egg and eggs / bird. The results showed that it was possible to increase the parameters evaluated with the inclusion of 25% of coconut meal in the diet of the birds
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