Indicators of sustainability in communities of the municipality Manuel Tames.
sustainability indicators, agroecosystems, sustainability of agroecosystems.Abstract
Heshe was carried out the investigation in the municipality Manuel Támes in the period understood January-May of 2011 with the objective of characterizing the behavior of the sostenibilidad of the agroecosistemas. It was used methods of the theoretical and empiric level. With the techniques employees for the process was analyzed the constituent elements of the reality, with the purpose of undertaking actions that later on facilitate the change. It was demonstrated the sostenibilidad potentialities that heshe has this municipality, it was characterized and it identified the sustainable indicators standing out: Motivation of the producers to cultivate the earth, big extensions of lazy lands surrendered to new usufructuaries to be exploited in the production of foods, the managerial infrastructure responds to the productive vocation of the municipality, strong cooperative movement in the rice activity, as well as the rural experimentation.
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