Sustainable alternative for the production of lettuce under organopónics conditions.


  • Lic. Yordanska Vicente-Sevillano Universidad. Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña Guantánamo. Cuba1. 2
  • M. Sc. Juana Iris Durand-Cos Universidad. Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Ing. Humberto Duverger-Fernández Universidad de Guantánamo, Empresa Agropecuaria Honduras, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. C. Yasmel Bertot-Savón Universidad. Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña Guantánamo. Cuba


organic manure, lettuce, micorrizas, mineral fertilization


The investigation was carried out in the organoponic November 9, in the urban farm "El Salvador", in the agropecuarian enterprise of Honduras, In Guatánamo´s province, with the aim of evaluating the effect on different nutritious alternatives on the yield and growing of lettuce plantation( lettuce sativa).The variety used was black seeded Simpson. The experiment was adjusted in a brown sialitic carbonated soil. The treatments were t1 (lettuce plus compost), T2 (Lettuce plus warm humus), T3 (lettuce plus Microrrizas), and T4 (Lettuce plus NPk). The experiment shows that the better answer of plant in different nutrition alternatives  corresponded to the organic fertilizer used ,(NPK), followed by micorrizas for all evaluated variables with yields of 53,0 and 499,8 t.ha-1  respectively, where they got the best economic answers.


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How to Cite

Vicente-Sevillano, L. Y., Durand-Cos, M. S. J. I., Duverger-Fernández, I. H., & Bertot-Savón, D. C. Y. (2013). Sustainable alternative for the production of lettuce under organopónics conditions. Man, Science and Technology, 17(4), 75–84. Retrieved from

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