Role of women in a globalized world .
woman, neoliberal globalization.Abstract
The following work approaches relating topics to the woman in a world where alone the tariffs and the damages are analyzed for the world economy. Different approaches are stood out emitted at world level for studious of the topic "Woman and Globalization" making emphasis to the importance of keeping them in mind before a discussion on topics neoliberals. In a subtle way it is meditated about the three groups of women looked with eyes of critical about such a polemic topic as it is it the Globalization and their faces; keeping in mind that the globalization is a process where they are excluded the population's segment and he/she is in fact the woman the weakest segment in the same one. Concludes the investigation with Olga's words Lucía Ramírez, marked October 10 the 2006 before an interview in press note.
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