I inventory of the melliferous flora of the town of Limonar of Mount Ruz, El Salvador. Guantánamo.


  • Marisol Lafargue-Savón Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Yaritza López-Miclin Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Yenisei Estrada-Miclín Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Nancy Noa- Lobaina Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Eliarse Mengana-Moya Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Albaro Blanco-Imbert Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Yurima Carbonell-Lebren Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba


melliferous flora, inventory


The work was developed in the period of september/2008 - may/2009, in the town of Limonar of Mount Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo, with the objective of inventorying the potentialities of the melliferous flora of this town. For they got up it a total of 30 points of samplings distributed aleatorily in the whole area, with parcels of 20 x 50 m according to the methodology described by Machado (2002). In each parcel it was determined the species with melliferous potential and they were identified starting from the vulgar name, name scientific and the family of each species. Starting from the obtained data the absolute Abundance was calculated (Aa) and relative Abundance (Ar) of each species. The results showed that 32 species of plants were reported with melliferous potential in the worked area, the species of more relative Abundance (Ar) they were Gliricidia sepium Jacq. (Piñón florido), Cocos nucífera L (coco), Zanthoxylum martinicensis (Lam.) (Ayúa), Roystonea regia (HBK) O. F. Cook (palma real), Spondias mombin L. (Jobo).


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How to Cite

Lafargue-Savón, M., López-Miclin, Y., Estrada-Miclín, Y., Noa- Lobaina, N., Mengana-Moya, E., Blanco-Imbert, A., & Carbonell-Lebren, Y. (2013). I inventory of the melliferous flora of the town of Limonar of Mount Ruz, El Salvador. Guantánamo. Man, Science and Technology, 17(3), 82–86. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/484

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