Strategy to increase the effectiveness of management of the Baracoa agroforestry company


  • Liudda Felicia Matos - Vilató Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Municipio Baracoa, Guantánamo – Cuba.
  • Geyser Flores - Galano
  • Dayami Viltrés - Barban Instituto de Investigaciones Agroforestales de Sgto de Cuba – Cuba
  • Benito Monroy - Reyes Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias. Universidad de Guadalajara, Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez, 2100, Predio Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.


Strategy; Capabilities; Management control; Business excellence


In order to design a strategy aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the management carried out by the company Agroforestal Baracoa, a study was carried out for the effective use of its capabilities, based on the generation of results that satisfy the needs of the interested parties in a sustainable manner. The study defined the concept of “management oriented towards excellence” and modeled the bases of sustainable forest management and business excellence, the articulation of strategic planning with the forest management project and the adaptation of management criteria to the Cuban context, and determined the components that structure the procedure for the implementation of the proposed model.


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How to Cite

Matos - Vilató, L. F. ., Flores - Galano , G. ., Viltrés - Barban, D. ., & Monroy - Reyes, B. . (2025). Strategy to increase the effectiveness of management of the Baracoa agroforestry company. Man, Science and Technology, 28(4), 66–73. Retrieved from




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