Evaluation of Natural Regeneration in the Toa River Hydroregulatory Forest Belt after the passage of Hurricane Matthew


  • Reynaldo Durán – Matos Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Municipio Baracoa, Guantánamo - Cuba
  • Adrián Montoya – Ramos
  • Leny Lisbeth Sánchez – Ríos Consultoría Agrícola. Adolfo López Mateo. Sección segunda. San Pedro Pochutla. Oaxaca.
  • Marconis Martínez – Marten
  • Javier Vera – López Colegio de postgraduados, Campeche. México.


Forest belt; Regeneration; Regeneration; Hydroregulating; Hurricane


In order to evaluate the natural regeneration in the Hydroregulatory Forest Belt of the Toa River after the passage of Hurricane Matthew, a study was carried out on 40 hectares of the Hydroregulatory Forest Belts from the normal water level of the river. A floristic inventory was carried out and natural regeneration was studied. It was found that the structure and composition of the rainforest in the Hydroregulatory belt is irregular, with a high degree of enthronization. The most important and abundant species are R. regia, C. antillanum, G. guara, T. catappa, among others. The diversity of natural regeneration is considered medium because 44 species were found, grouped into 24 families and 42 genera with a total of 2673 individuals. However, the most abundant species were G. guara and T. catappa.


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How to Cite

Durán – Matos, R. ., Montoya – Ramos, A. ., Sánchez – Ríos, L. L. ., Martínez – Marten, M. ., & Vera – López, J. . (2025). Evaluation of Natural Regeneration in the Toa River Hydroregulatory Forest Belt after the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Man, Science and Technology, 28(4), 55–65. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1455




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