Characterization of cocoa production in the Baracoa region. Evaluation, understanding and potentials
Agroecology; Cooperation; Theobroma cacao; ResilienceAbstract
Cuba is a country with potential in the world of cocoa. Due to the characteristics and history of the country, producers in this line have resorted to agroecology to maintain their plantations. This exploratory study aimed to know the production system for the use of its resources, for which a survey was carried out on a sample of producers from the different selected farms with dissimilar characteristics, determining their potential, problems and possible solutions, productivity, stability and resilience. Interviews, documentary review and group work were used as techniques to collect information. The different results allowed us to provide an overview of the cocoa plantations, the different forms of production and reveal some key factors in their management, as well as the design of a proposal of actions to improve the resilience of the cocoa agroforestry system in Baracoa.
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