Diagnosis of the economic-productive indicators (EPI) of the Mountain Agroforestry Company Arturo Lince, El Salvador, Guantanamo


  • Neovanis Suberen-Parada EAFM Arturo Lince González, El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Félix Martínez-Díaz Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Enio Utria-Borges Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba


Economic-productive indicators; Diagnosis; Local development; Food safety; Food self-sufficiency


To diagnose the behavior of the IEPs, it was worked on the presentation of a SWOT matrix and the creation of a Pareto Diagram, with the main limitations of the behavior of the IEPs. The SWOT matrix revealed the main weaknesses and strengths, threats and opportunities, most important in the organizational context, which allowed future actions to be located using combinations of internal and external variables. The Pareto Diagram derived the main problems (weaknesses-threats) of economic-productive behavior and the predominant ones to be solved: Not applying science and technology in production, limiting the results; Not permanently providing for the minimum and maximum approved IEP indices as  line of work and not as goals for compliance and, low performance in production due to problems of work utilization, productivity, indiscipline; difficulties accumulating 80% of the causes of the behavior observed in the IEPs, key reasons for directing actions to solve deviations.


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How to Cite

Suberen-Parada, N. ., Martínez-Díaz, F. ., & Utria-Borges, E. . (2024). Diagnosis of the economic-productive indicators (EPI) of the Mountain Agroforestry Company Arturo Lince, El Salvador, Guantanamo. Man, Science and Technology, 27(4), 54–63. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1381




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