Project for the implementation of a local agricultural innovation system (LAIS) in El Salvador municipality
Project of Local Agricultural Innovation; Local Agricultural Innovation System; Agroproducer women; Security; Alimentary sovereigntyAbstract
The implementation in Cuba of the Project of Local Agricultural Innovation (PIAL) starting from the 2001 it showed a road to recognize the capacity of people agriculture producers and peasants in the generation of economic, social and environmental benefits for the society in favor of the security and the alimentary sovereignty in the Cuban context, Their main responsibility goes towards the accompaniment in the taking of decisions and the implementation of actions guided to offer answers to the local demands. The purpose of the work is to Implement the local agricultural innovation system (SIAL) proposed by the Project of Local Agricultural Innovation (PIAL) in the El Salvador starting from a diagnosis, which reflected that it possesses an appropriate infrastructure for the implementation of the same one.
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