Potential use proposal for the cultivation of the coconut palm with a geoecological approach (Cocos nucifera L.)
Cocos nucifera; Geoecology, Potential use.Abstract
The research was carried out in the coastal sector of the "Cuchillas del Toa" Biosphere Reserve, located in the eastern region of Cuba, an area of great interest due to the great diversity of existing natural resources, in high demand for economic and social development, whose objective was to evaluate the potential use for the cultivation of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.). To fulfill the objectives, the tools of the geoecology of the landscape were used, to which some elements that more accurately relate the agroclimatic requirements were incorporated. Subsequently, the agroecological requirements of the crop were defined and the adaptability ranges for climatic (temperature and precipitation) and soil (texture, pH, depth, of other) variables were determined. Finally, the areas of the territory with possibilities for the development of the crop are proposed from the point of view of geoecological requirements.
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