Formation of an environmental culture to face resilience in the inhabitants of the Manuel Tames Popular Council, Guantánamo
Resiliencia ambiental, Tarea Vida, cultura ambiental, sustentable, estrategia.Abstract
The present investigation arises from the need to reflect on the resilience towards an Environmental Culture in the families of the Manuel Tames Popular Council, after the events of Hurricane Irma, as a consequence of climate change in order to minimize material and human damage in future climatological affectations. The objective is to implement a community strategy by implementing the strategic plan of the Life Task, with a high capacity for resilience towards a sustainable environmental culture, through an educational project, based on a pedagogical conception with the regularities of the environmental culture formation process. This allowed reinforcing the formation of the scientific thinking of the relatives, attending to the elements of orientation towards the understanding of nature, the knowledge of science, the preparation and familiarization of the families in the conservation and respect for the environment, from facts of the everyday environment.
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