Current conservation status of the low altitude rainforests on the metamorphic complex in La Melba, Alejandro de Humboldt National Park
low altitude rainforests, metamorphic complex, fragmented forestAbstract
The low altitude rainforests are monitored on La Melba metamorphic complex, Humboldt National Park, in order to characterize the floristic diversity of this plant formation, a floristic inventory is carried out by means of a simple random systematic sampling at random, establishing a total of 36 rectangular-shaped sampling units: 6 plots of 20mx25m (500 m2), in the mature forest and 30 plots of 20mx25m (500 m2) in the fragmented forest. Evaluating the spermatophyte plants of the herbaceous, shrub and arboreal strata. The diameter, height of the plants, basal area, volume were measured; horizontal structure and the ecological importance value index of the species 73 families, 105 genera and 129 spermatophyte species were identified, of these 74 species of woody spermatophyte plants, grouped into 32 families and 63 genera.
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