Floristic diversity at the Xeromorph Coastal and Subcoastal scrub of the Baitiquirí Ecological Reserve
diversity; reserve; forest; species.Abstract
The research was developed in the Baitiquirí Ecological Reserve, belonging to the San Antonio del Sur municipality, Guantánamo province, from May 2018 to June 2019. With the aim of characterizing the floristic diversity in the coastal and sub-coastal xeromorphic scrub. A total of 25 plots of 20 x 25 (500 m2) were raised at random. The alpha and beta diversity was determined, analyzing the structure and species composition. A total of 57 species belonging to 50 genres and 35 families were obtained. The most important species from the ecological point of view are: Phyllostylon brasiliensis, Acacia farnesiana, Guaicum officinale, Cordia sulcata Malachra alceifoli. The structure of the community can be considered normal; it reveals the presence of trees of lower diameter classes, which guarantees the forest stability.
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