Biodiversity of woody flora in a submontane rainforest fom Alejandro de Humbolt National Park.
Species diversity; structure; rainforest; woody floraAbstract
The work was developed from September, 2013 to April, 2014 in Cupeyal del Norte Department, Alejandro de Humbolt National Park (PNAH), belonging to the municipality of Sagua de Tanamo, Holguín province, with the objective of characterizing the state of the woody species diversity in a submontane rainforest. The data were taken in an area with a surface of 2 065,06 ha. 21 parcels of 20 x rose 25 m (500 m2), distributed aleatorily in the study area, the size of the sample was validated by means of the curve area - species. The characterization of the submontane rainforest was determined starting from the study of diversity alpha (α) A total of 24 families, 30 goods, 35 species and 1 417 individuals corresponding to the herbaceous stratum, shrubby and arboreal were identified. The represented families were Clusiaceae with six species and 390 individuals, Bignonaceae and Melastomataceae.
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