Characterization of floristic species biodiversity in the Hatibonico Ecological Reserve.
Biodiversity; floristic; inventoryAbstract
This work was developed into the natural forests belonging to the Hatibonito Ecological Reserve which takes part of Caimanera municipality, Guantanamo Province. It was aimed to characterize the floristic species biodiversity in natural forests. Data were taken from a wide area which has a surface of 5390 ha. Biodiversity characterization was determined from a deep study of the existent species richness, predominance and proportional abundance and the ecological importance value index (IVIE) Within the floristic inventory a total of 35 families and 1797 individuals corresponding to the herbaceous arboreal shrubby strata were identified. Most representative families regarding richness were Cactáceae, Fabaceae with 5 of each especies and Mimosaceae with 4. The most dominant species were Hebestigma cubense, Cordia gerascanthus, Chorisia speciosa, the most abundant was Phyllostylon brasiliensis with 13.7 %, Eugenia osseana 7.8 %, Hebestigma cubense 6.4 %, and the highest IVIE was for Phyllostylon brasiliensis, Hebestigma cubense, Cordia alliodora.
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