Alternativas orgánicas para la producción de lechuga (Lactuca Sativa L.) en condiciones de organopónico
FitoMas-E, manure, beef, sheep, humusAbstract
The research was carried out under organoponic conditions in the Agricultural Production Cooperative “21 de Septiembre”, of the Argeo Martínez Sugar Company from Manuel Tames municipality, Guantánamo province, with the objective of evaluating the effect of different organic alternatives on the production of lettuce (L. sativa L.), Black Seeded Simpson variety. The experiment was mounted on flowerbeds of 21 x 1,20 m., using, certified and quality seeds from the Seed Production and Processing Company. The organic alternatives used were: worm humus, sheep manure, beef manure and the FitoMas-E biostimulant. The experiment showed that the best response of the plant with the alternatives used was obtained with the application of worm humus and cachaça combined with FitoMas - E, with yields of 15.67 t. ha-1 and 14.52 t. ha-1, respectively. For all combinations of organic fertilizers and the biostimulant, gains among $16 633.40 and $21 346.83 were obtained.
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