Environment-Meningoencephalitis relationship, early diagnosis through using C-reactive protein in cerebrospinal fluid.


  • Tahimi Herrera-Graña Hospital General Docente. Agostinho Neto, provincia Guantánamo
  • Marlene Sánchez-Tuzón Hospital General Docente. Agostinho Neto, provincia Guantánamo
  • Laritza de los Ángeles Díaz-Vargas Hospital General Docente. Agostinho Neto, provincia Guantánamo
  • Odalis Corrales-García Hospital General Docente. Agostinho Neto, provincia Guantánamo
  • Anelis Torres-Borrero Hospital General Docente. Agostinho Neto, provincia Guantánamo


C-Reactive Protein, cerebrospinal fluid, lumbar puncture, Bacterial Meningoencephalitis.


Reactive Protein (CRP) is considered an acute phase reactant, important for the early identification of Central Nervous System (CNS) sepsis in the cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture. Bacterial Meningoencephalitis is considered very serious in pediatric ages. Due to environmental adversities and undue hygienic-sanitary conditions, its transmission and spread can become epidemic, that's why, a descriptive study was carried out in pediatric patients, from the Pediatric Teaching Hospital "Pedro Agustín Pérez"'s Emergency Room of Guantánamo. In the period September 2019 - January 2020. The universe was made up of 64 patients admitted with sepsis of the Central Nervous System, aged between 5 and 15 years old, of both sexes, 30 of them with a presumptive diagnosis of Bacterial Meningoencephalitis and 34 with a diagnosis of Non-Bacterial Meningoencephalitis.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Graña, T., Sánchez-Tuzón, M., Díaz-Vargas, L. de los Ángeles, Corrales-García, O., & Torres-Borrero, A. (2020). Environment-Meningoencephalitis relationship, early diagnosis through using C-reactive protein in cerebrospinal fluid. Man, Science and Technology, 24(3), 39–48. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1051




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