Climatic change and epidemiology of the Acute Respiratory Infection in Imias Municipality from 2018 to 2019.
climate change; epidemiology; Acute Respiratory InfectionAbstract
A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional observation study was carried out in the area of the Ciro Frías Polyclinic, Imías, Guantánamo´s province, from January 2018 to December 2019. The study was aimed to characterize the influence of climate change on the epidemiology of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI). The universe was represented by the 18 220 cases assisted in municipal health institutions, which met the inclusion criteria. Qualitative and quantitative variables were used. The largest number of people (56.8%) received medical attention in 2019. October was the most representative month (14.8%) of that year. Other results were: higher proportion of cases in the age group over 18 years (62.8%); the dwelling structural conditions constituted the main causal factor during 2018 (36.4%) and 2019 (51.9%); the overcrowding level (27.3%) during 2018 in the southern coastal strip, and the sudden changes in temperature (41.7%) during 2019 in the mountainous terrain were significant risk factors.
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