Energy consumption assessment in the “Imperio” Furniture Factories, Guantanamo, Cuba
energy carriers; energetic bearers; furniture factory; NC ISO: 50001/2011Abstract
An assessment of energy carrier’s consumption was made in the “Imperio” furniture factories in Guantanamo province, located one in the southern part of the city, and the other on the road to Manuel Tames municipality. The analysis was made from documents and the use of mathematical-statistical level methods, taking into consideration the volume of production achieved in each factory and the electricity consumption and its equivalent in the case of electrical energy. The study made possible to determine that the expenditure made on electricity was equivalent to the use of 3,878.86 t. of conventional fuel. On the other hand, it was possible to evaluate the efficiency of these factories in the rational use of energy carriers as an essential premise for undertaking an improvement of the measures aimed at promoting savings.
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