Productivity response of corn crop to the use of Effective Microorganisms.


  • Francisca Suárez-Soria Universidad de Guantánamo. Facultad Agroforestal.
  • Idelmis Mediacejas-Corona Universidad de Guantánamo; "Facultad Agroforestal
  • Humberto Ferraz-Lorenzo Universidad de Guantánamo. Facultad Agroforestal


foliar application, inoculation, Effective Microorganisms


Aimed to evaluate the productivity response of corn crop to the application of Effective Microorganisms, an experiment was carried out in natural conditions at La Maria Farm belonging to Lino de las Mercedes CCS from Niceto Pérez Municipality. An experimental design of blocks was used at random with 4 treatments and 4 replicas: T1 (Witness without application), T2 (Inoculation to seeds to 2%), T3 (Inoculation to seed and foliar application till the rizosfera of the plant every 15 days with the same dose, and T4 (Foliar application till the rizosfera of the plant every 15 days with the same dose without inoculating the seed). The success of Effective Microorganisms in the corn crop yield and growth was demonstrated, showing the highest economic results in the treatment number 3, achieving utilities of $8660,9 t/ha and superior yields to the witness in 3%.  


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How to Cite

Suárez-Soria, F., Mediacejas-Corona, I., & Ferraz-Lorenzo, H. (2020). Productivity response of corn crop to the use of Effective Microorganisms. Man, Science and Technology, 24(2), 53–62. Retrieved from




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