Educational intervention on environmental factors triggering bronchial asthma in asmathic adults
bronchial asthma, educative intervention, asthmatic adultsAbstract
A quasi-experimental study of educational intervention was carried out with the aim of raising the level of knowledge about environmental factors that trigger bronchial asthma: increased heat, humidity, dust, allergens from domestic animal, physical activity, and tobacco smoke, among others, in asthmatic adults from the CPM Santa Rita, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela from January to March 2016. The universe was the total of asthmatic adults of the CPM, selecting 40 of them as a sample, which were selected by simple random sampling and according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, primary data obtained by applying a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge before and after the educational intervention aimed at the appropriation of knowledge in relation to the subject: 47.5% were between 31 to 40 years old, the 35% had university studies. The general knowledge about bronchial asthma and environmental triggering factors were insufficient before the educative intervention. After applying the strategy it was effective evaluated.
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