Analysis of the dengue causes at Policlinic “Emilio Daudinot Bueno”. Guantanamo. Cuba
dengue; environment; Aedes AegyptiAbstract
A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted whose objective: to describe the epidemiology of the epidemic dengue outbreak in Polyclinic Emilio Daudinot Bueno and the influence of environmental factors on the evolution of the disease, had a universe of 135 confirmed cases during the period, which met the inclusion criteria. Qualitative-quantitative variables were used. Results: isolated in a health institution in the first 24 hours (48.4%), with fever (46.6%) as the main clinical manifestation, greater number of confirmed cases of the Basic Working Group 1 (57.7%), houses with good water supply (90.0%), stored it (99.0%), homes with 2 deposits (61%), outbreaks in intra-household deposits (88.7%), in repetitive blocks (55.5%) and the largest number reported in the statistical week 30 to 41. The influence of environmental factors on epidemic outbreaks allows for more effective intervention strategies.
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