Alternative treatment of benign prostatic hiperplasia with pumpkin seed


  • Leonardo Savón-Moiran Hospital General Docente Dr. “Agostinho Neto”. Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Lenna Yanet Savón-Columbié Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Yaniuska Savón-Michel Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Guantánamo. Cuba


Hiperplasia benign of the prostate; ulogy; pumpkin seed


This article shows the scientific results of a research carried out to find out the effectiveness of using pumpkin seeds to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Descriptive, observational, experimental and longitudinal methods were used for the study in the Urology Clinic at Policlinic “4 de Agosto”, Guantanamo Province, throughout 2018. The universe was made up of 486 patients from whom a sample of 89 was selected who met the inclusion criteria. To fulfill de objectives some forms were applied where the clinical epidemiological variables are collected. The results evidenced the success of the treatment in slight and moderate obstruction degrees, demonstrating its effectiveness in more than half of the sample, a situation that did not occur in patients with severe obstruction, whom showed a minimal improvement.


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How to Cite

Savón-Moiran, L., Savón-Columbié, L. Y., & Savón-Michel, Y. (2020). Alternative treatment of benign prostatic hiperplasia with pumpkin seed. Man, Science and Technology, 24(1), 85–91. Retrieved from


