Quality of the milk collected by the Holguín Dairy Products Company
milk; physicochemical quality of milk; milk handlingAbstract
To assess the quality of the milk collected, temperature, acidity, methylene blue reduction time, density, fat, non-fat solids and California test for mastitis were determined, using a completely randomized design, with simple variance analysis and comparison Duncan multiple mean (1955) through the statistical package InfoStat 2012. The results of the variables studied are framed within the normal parameters for raw milk in Cuba according to the standards, with significant differences between the routes studied, indicating that, with Similar zootechnical conditions, there are differences in milk management. The TRAM / h test and the collection temperature were poor. The CMT test with positive reading in all routes, indicates that there are cases of subclinical and clinical mastitis, which classifies the milk collected from regular to very bad with viscosity from moderate to intense in the samples evaluated.
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