Vulnerability and risk of infections in hospitable installations of Guantanamo. Cuba.
biological risk; biological certainty; biosafety; perception of risksAbstract
A descriptive study was carried out to assess the existing vulnerabilities in public health facilities that have biological risk taking into account the possible occurrence of earthquakes, hurricanes and technological accidents that can lead to the dispersion of pathogenic biological agents to humans. Methods such as non-participant observation, analysis-synthesis, bibliographic review, analysis of inspection results carried out from 1999 to 2018 were used. In addition, results obtained from master's thesis related to biological safety and surveys applied to risk perception. The results evidenced the existence of structural and non-structural vulnerabilities in facilities such as microbiology and clinical laboratories, sterilization centers, surgical rooms, among others that put at risk of acquiring infectious diseases not only to workers but to the community in the event of natural phenomena, as well as technological accidents.
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