Sensitivity of the landscapes of the Cuchillas del Toa biosphere reserve, Cuba.


  • Dr. C. Bárbaro Zabala-Lahitte Unidad Presupuestada de Servicios Ambientales Alejandro de Humboldt. Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Dr. C.Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez Facultad de Geografía. Universidad de La Habana. Cuba
  • MSc. Rey Felipe Guarat-Planche Unidad Presupuestada de Servicios Ambientales Alejandro de Humboldt. Guantánamo. Cuba.
  • Lic. Yinet Marzo-Manuel Recursos Hidráulicos. Guantánamo. Cuba.
  • MSc. Hayler María Pérez-Trejo Unidad Presupuestada de Servicios Ambientales Alejandro de Humboldt. Guantánamo. Cuba.


Environmental step, Mountain Systems, mountainous landscapes, Environmental sustainability


In the Biosphere Reserve Cuchillas del Toa various socio-economic activities are developed, which must be developed in a very careful way and with scientific criteria, to avoid the deterioration of their natural resources. The need to study the sensitivity of terrestrial landscapes is evident, with the use of the theoretical-methodological conception of landscape geoecology, using the tools of geographic information systems. The complexity in the structure of the landscapes was verified with 15 first-order units, which are exposed to internal and external risk factors, which cause moderate instability in the units of the lower floors hypsometrically, and greater stability, in the most elevated. In general, landscapes are evaluated between moderately sensitive and very sensitive categories, with a wide incidence of anthropic factors.


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How to Cite

Zabala-Lahitte, D. C. B., Acevedo-Rodríguez, D. C., Guarat-Planche, M. R. F., Marzo-Manuel, L. Y., & Pérez-Trejo, M. H. M. (2019). Sensitivity of the landscapes of the Cuchillas del Toa biosphere reserve, Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 23(3), 10–19. Retrieved from




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