Agroforestry reorganization of the left side of “Los Lirios” farm. University of Guantánamo.
forest inventory, management proposal, agroforestry systemsAbstract
The research was carried out in the period from September 2017 to March 2018 in "Los Lirios" farm, located in Limonar Popular Council and belonging to the University of Guantanamo, with the objective of projecting agroforestry management for the sustainability of its left side. The floristic inventory was made of both the forest and non-forest species through circular plots of 500m2 to determine the dasometric parameters and the counting of the species of agricultural interest. A total of 24 species were identified, of which 21 were forest and three of agricultural interest. There are 423 trees in the area, two per plot and 47 per hectare. The total coffee plants are 1860, 2072 per hectare and 104 per plot. The inventory showed that there are no economic value forest species in the area.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lores-Pérez, D. Y., Solis-Silva, I. Y., Pérez-Marquez, M. J., Duran-Cos, M. J. I., & Monroy-Reyes, M. B. (2019). Agroforestry reorganization of the left side of “Los Lirios” farm. University of Guantánamo. Man, Science and Technology, 23(2), 46–53. Retrieved from
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