Insertion of the Environmental Management in the Agropecuary Ingenieering Major in Cunene.


  • MSc. Altino Fernando Neves Zacarias-Chicolomuenho Escuela Superior Politécnica de Cunene, Angola
  • Dr. Enio Utria-Borges Universidad de Guantánamo (UG), Facultad Agroforestal, Cuba.
  • CSC. Angelina Inicia Manuel Paulino-Chicolomuenho Escuela Superior Politécnica de Cunene, Angola


agriculture, syllabus, environmental education, environmental management, teaching and learning Process


To carry out this investigation it was taken as a point of departure the problems detected in the diagnosis of the levels of knowledge related with the environmental management in Agropecuary Ingenieering major at the Cunene Higher Polytechnic School, so a proposal of syllabus was designed to be inserted in this major. The results obtained from interviews and surveys point out the inclusion of this dimension in a more dynamic way in the education, based in studied experiences which favors the fulfillment of the objective and contributes to the formation of professionals with a wide knowledge on this matter. The proposed syllabus carries the model that shows the interrelation among the thematic of the syllabus of study and the pattern of competence construction in the teaching of Environmental Management, which serves as a basis and facilitates the thematic understanding of the aspects to be approached during its teaching.



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How to Cite

Zacarias-Chicolomuenho, M. A. F. N., Utria-Borges, D. E., & Paulino-Chicolomuenho, C. A. I. M. (2018). Insertion of the Environmental Management in the Agropecuary Ingenieering Major in Cunene. Man, Science and Technology, 22(2), 16–25. Retrieved from




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