Effects of the prunings on the diseases in the cultivation of Theobroma cocoa L.
cocoa, pruning, shade, diseases.Abstract
The experiment has been developed in Panaquire's community, at Barrio La Cruz sector, in Acevedo municipality, Venezuelan State of Miranda. The objective of this investigation is aimed at evaluating the effect of different kinds of prunings on diseases in the cultivation of Theobroma's cocoa L. An experiment of blocks was applied at random with three repetitions and eight treatments. The evaluated factors are: Type of pruning (3) and type of shade (2), with two referential witnesses which make a total of eight treatments. The principal results have proved that the treatments with pruning of intensive rehabilitation and pruning of consensual rehabilitation favour Phytophthora's minor affectation sp. The treatments by means of which the Colletotrichum gloeosporoides disease shows fewer incidences are the witness + permanent shade, of rehabilitation pruning by reduction of top height and pruning of consensual rehabilitation.
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