Evaluation of Bacillus subtilis (Cohn) to control Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn) potato (Solanun tuberosum L) in Jalisco-Mexico.
Double Nickel, Bacillus subtilis, Rhizoctonia SolaniAbstract
The investigation is carried out in order to evaluate the biological effectiveness of fungicide Double Nickel® (Bacillus subtilis var. Amyloliquefaciens strain D747) to control Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn) in potato cultivation. An experimental randomized block design with 9 treatments and 4 replicates, in areas Juanacatlan, Jalisco-Mexico was applied. The Double Nickel biological fungicide was used at various doses, and its effectiveness and combination were assessed in relation to the synthetic fungicides Emesto®; Serenade soil®; Pulsor® and PCNB®. Incidence, severity of the disease and phytotoxicity were the evaluated variable. The data were processed with the Agricultural Research Management Software. The best treatments for controlling Rhizoctonia solani were Double Nickel® 1.5 kg.ha?¹; 2.0 kg.ha?¹; 2.5 kg.ha?¹ and the combination of?¹ Double Nickel® + Emesto® (2.0 kg.ha + 0.7 L.ha?¹), respectively, that is, equal or higher than the regional witness without phytotoxicity symptoms.
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