Biology of Tetranychus tumidus (Banks) on bean leaves.
Tetranychus tumidus, biology, Velazco largoAbstract
This investigation has allowed the study on the biology of Tetranychus tumidus on bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris) var. Velazco Largo under laboratory conditions. The results show that the adult egg cycle lasts eight days; the development time of the different immature stages is for the egg 3.7; the larva 0.9; the protonymph 0,6 and the deutonymph 0.9 days. The life average on days for other biological characteristics is 1.4 in the preoviposition period, 6,7 during the oviposition period and 1.3 for the postoviposition period, while the longevity for females has been 18.8 days. Finally, the study has confirmed the possibility the species has to complete its life cycle and to obtain new generations in the cultivation of beans.
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