Diagnosis of diseases in bovine cattle in Guantánamo province, in Cuba. Proposal of treatments.


  • Lic Nancy Noa-Lobayna Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MV Elba Lidia Castellanos-Mcook Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MV Marisol Lafargue-Savón Labiofam Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Annia Rivera-Hernández Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MSc. Mindelis Hernández-Pérez Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.


medicinal plants, animal diseases, parasitoses


This study was carried out in ten municipalities in Guantánamo province in order to promote a greater knowledge and use of plants with medicinal properties as alternative treatments in diseases affecting bovine cattle. Mexican Chaya, Purple Basil, White Basil (Ocimum gastisimum), Aloe vera, Cedar (Cedrela Adorata) were used. Based on the information obtained by the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Guantánamo and the parasitological laboratory of the Mountain Development Center for the diagnosis of diseases and parasitoses, the following results were reported: contagious ectima, coccidiocis, Stongylatas, Strogyloides, Oestrosis, hepatic Fasciola (ecto parasite tick). Afterwards, the specialists proceeded to train producers and representatives of the Smaller Livestock Group. The medicinal plants received a phyto-chemical screening, which demonstrated the presence of compound groups as tannins, flavonoids, and steroids responsible for the clinical effect against parasites, which proved effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Noa-Lobayna, L. N., Castellanos-Mcook, M. E. L., Lafargue-Savón, M. M., Rivera-Hernández, L. . A., & Hernández-Pérez, M. M. (2017). Diagnosis of diseases in bovine cattle in Guantánamo province, in Cuba. Proposal of treatments. Man, Science and Technology, 21(4), 53–61. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/817




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