Study of the Biodiversity of the flora in mountainous towns of county Guantanamo, Cuba.
Biodiversity, mountainous towns, floraAbstract
The study was carried out in the towns of Riito and Raisu, belonging to the municipality of Yateras and The Cuabita of El Salvador, during the period of January - December 2016, with the objective of studying the existent Biodiversity and this way to promote its conservation and sustainable use. It threw a total of 1929 individuals belonging to 91 species, being the Raisu community the best represented, when being 47 species, while in the sotobosque 128 individuals were observed, belonging to 41 species, what manifests a great floral variety and wealth, being confirmed that the studied towns are fairly conserved. They stand out species like (Malvastrum coromandelianum), (Seleria secans (L.), (Arabic Coffea), (Artocarpus altilis), (Inga erulis), (regal Roystonea regal Var) and the (Zanthoxylum martinicense). The degradation level turned out to be very variable, being deforested areas and it is demonstrated the necessity of carrying out actions of protection of the flora.Downloads
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How to Cite
Matos-Moya, D. C. V., Pérez-Caballero, T. E., Gutierrez-Córdoba, T. S., Gallardo-López, L. M., & Carter-Veranes, L. A. L. (2017). Study of the Biodiversity of the flora in mountainous towns of county Guantanamo, Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 21(3), 15–24. Retrieved from
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