Optimal caliber of tuberous roots of sweet potato (ipomoea batatas l. lam.) for planting material.
optimal caliber, sweet potato, yield, tropical rootsAbstract
It is investigated to determine the influence of the caliber of the tuberous roots in the production and cuttings yield. Tuberous roots, healthy and entire seeds were use, and calibrated: 80-115 g; 116-200 g; 201-300 g; 301-400 g y >400 g. The commercial clone “INIVIT B2-2005" was used and the soil was covered with a 3 to 5 cm substrate consisted of a topsoil and organic matter mixture in a 1:1 ratio. Such cuttings from different evaluated calibers were plant in field conditions to determine their potentials from different seed sizes evaluated. Results showed significant differences between different calibers tested in relation to cuttings per square meter, plant number at harvest time, field covering, number of commercial tuberous root, weight of commercial tuberous root and yield, calibers from 80-115 g showed the best result.Downloads
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How to Cite
Morales-Tejón, D. C. A., Rodríguez-del Sol, I. D., & Morales-Rodríguez, A. (2017). Optimal caliber of tuberous roots of sweet potato (ipomoea batatas l. lam.) for planting material. Man, Science and Technology, 21(3), 1–6. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/794
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