Effect of sun drying on the microbial and bromatogic characteristics of handmade coconut flour.


  • MSc. Angel Rafael Ramirez-Ramirez Facultad Agroforestal, Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Yurelkys Fernández-Maura Facultad Agroforestal, Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Enrique Frómeta-Toirac Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Angel Luis La O-Michel Facultad Agroforestal, Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.


handmade coconut flour, sun drying, bromatogic properties, flour.


Handmade coconut flour is an agricultural byproduct prone to decomposition because its high water content which facilitate microbial growth limiting its application as animal feed. In order to seek for ways to bypass this problem it was evaluated the effects of sun drying on microbial growth and the bromatogic properties of HAC. The experiments were performed at the Agroforestry Faculty, University of Guantanamo, during the period March-May 2016. Sun drying drastically reduced the microbial on HAC where it was detected only 10% of bacteria and yeast previously counted. The combination of sun drying and seven days storage modifies some bromatogic properties such as: decreases % Fat, % Gross Protein and % Gross Fiber while increases % Ashes and % Nitrogen-free extract.


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How to Cite

Ramirez-Ramirez, M. A. R., Fernández-Maura, D. C. Y., Frómeta-Toirac, D. C. E., & La O-Michel, D. C. A. L. (2017). Effect of sun drying on the microbial and bromatogic characteristics of handmade coconut flour. Man, Science and Technology, 21(2), 59–65. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/787




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