Agricultural education oriented to food production for animal use.


  • Lic. Lisandro Ricardo-Cruz Universidad Holguín, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Daniel Tiofilo Thompson-Zulueta Universidad Holguín, Cuba.


agricultural education, animal food production, Veterinary Zootechny


Agricultural education aimed at the production of animal feed in the student of middle technician in Veterinary Zootechny, the objective was to elaborate a strategy to favor the agricultural education oriented to the production of animal feed in the students of medium technician in Veterinary Zootechny. Surveys and interviews were conducted; as well as bibliographical consultations and revision of normative and methodological documents. The strategy is consistent with the social and professional nature of this process, consists of four stages with their corresponding actions, which when are implemented in educational practice contribute to the student's education. The pertinence of the designed strategy was verified through the application of a pedagogical pre-experiment, the results obtained in both endorse its pertinence, because it was possible to transform the reality diagnosed in the exploratory stage.


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How to Cite

Ricardo-Cruz, L. L., & Thompson-Zulueta, D. C. D. T. (2017). Agricultural education oriented to food production for animal use. Man, Science and Technology, 21(1), 65–71. Retrieved from


