Alternatives of handling of Lysiloma bahamense seeds at the Integral Forest Farms.


  • Ing. Yarislenis Laborde-Jay ENPFF, UEB Sierra Canasta, Carretera Santiago de Cuba Km 4, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • Dr.C José Antonio-Bravo Instituto de Investigaciones Agroforestales, La Habana, Cuba.


Forestal products not timber-yielding, Lysiloma bahameses, Integral Forest Farms


This work realized at the Integral Forest Farms of Guantanamo's Municipality for the sake of accomplishing alternatives for the handling of the forestal products not timber-yielding (seeds) at plantations of Lysiloma bahameses. A tree of problems became elaborated where they reflected the main problems that exist at the farms. The methods to determine the behavior were applicable of the same regarding the knowledge on the handling of the seeds, with respect to the sanitary conditions of the plantations, the knowledge that seeds are a forestal product not timber-yielding and that they are also usable at the industry and they can be commercialized, that his area is affected by salinity and that the plantations of little puff of wind help the recuperation of the same. It was verified that it does not explode with efficiency the resource seed, that it is fundamental for the propagation of kind, but one proved that may be able to use it for animal and manual food among others.


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How to Cite

Laborde-Jay, I. Y., & Antonio-Bravo, D. J. (2017). Alternatives of handling of Lysiloma bahamense seeds at the Integral Forest Farms. Man, Science and Technology, 21(1), 43–50. Retrieved from


