Social studies on environmental quality of the air, water and soils in communities of Guantanamo.
Environmental quality, communal participation, kind focus.Abstract
The investigation was developed for the sake of establishing social studies on environmental quality of the air, water and soils with kind focus in communities of the municipalities Yateras and El Salvador, from the methodological point of view. An exploratory, descriptive and no experimental investigation was accomplished, based in the Investigation-Action-Participation's principles and where it was utilized as principal techniques the observation, the analysis of documents, auto-administrated questionnaire and analysis of contents supported in popular education techniques. It was determined the perception on environmental quality of actors with kind focus, as well as the incidence level through experiential opinion of the population of both communities on the contamination of the air, soil and water, of this last element the characteristic physics, chemistries and bacteriological of the supplying sources that require conventional treatment. Yateras' community proved to be the more affected in the evaluated indicators.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ramírez-Trimiño, M. M., Iglesias-Lescay, T. L., Crump- Parris, E. M., Matos-Moya, D. C. V., & Lafargue-Savón, D. M. (2016). Social studies on environmental quality of the air, water and soils in communities of Guantanamo. Man, Science and Technology, 20(4), 122–131. Retrieved from
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