Methodology to conservation of conifers in Nipe – Cristal mountain massif, Holguin, Cuba.


  • MSc. Roberto Pérez-de la Cruz CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí. Mayarí. Holguín. Cuba.
  • MSc. Rafael Salazar-Diez CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí. Mayarí. Holguín. Cuba.
  • Ing. Yunia Montoya-Heredia CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí. Mayarí. Holguín. Cuba.
  • MSc. Hayler María Pérez-Trejo Unidad de Servicios Ambientales Alejandro de Humboldt (UPSA), Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Est. Adrian Pérez-Heredia Universidad Mayarí, Holguín, Cuba


Pinus cubensis, coniferous, mountain massif


The work consists on a methodology with the steps to continue the conservation of the coniferous, specifically the Pinus cubensis Griseb, species with a high degree of decrease of its forests in the last 30 years. It is part of one of the results obtained in the “Conservation of the coniferous of mountain in the Nipe–Cristal mountain massif†project. The result integrates the process of recovery of the forests that is developed in the country. Lastly, the work proposes a group of verifiable indicators that allow evaluating the behavior of the introduction of this in the study region.


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How to Cite

Pérez-de la Cruz, M. R., Salazar-Diez, M. R., Montoya-Heredia, I. Y., Pérez-Trejo, M. H. M., & Pérez-Heredia, E. A. (2016). Methodology to conservation of conifers in Nipe – Cristal mountain massif, Holguin, Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 20(2), 83–88. Retrieved from




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